EZ Wallet 101: Sending with Confirmation

EZ Wallet
2 min readAug 20, 2022


Welcome back to EZ Wallet 101, the all and everything Web3 and blockchain series of EZ Wallet. In this one, you will learn more about one of the cool features of the app and how it will become your best friend down on the crypto road.

🎨 Let’s paint a picture.

You have a bunch of Crypto and want to make a transaction. Let’s say you are trying to send 500 ETH (baller!). The pseudo-anonymity that Crypto provides is something we all love about Crypto, but let’s face it, a wallet address is a long zig zag of numbers that are, quite frankly, impossible to remember or memorize. But what if we could use the pseudonymous nature of Crypto to help us securely and confidently send large transactions?

Truth is, no matter if it’s 500ETH or 2 Doge, all crypto users should feel secure and confident making their transactions. Currently, there are many ways we can “verify” what we’re doing is correct. We can copy and paste the address or type it character by character. But perhaps the most common way is to send a test transaction of a smaller amount and then send the principal in a second transaction.

📇Send with confirmation adds NFT feature

Another way of describing pseudo-anonymity is to say you use an alias. EZ Wallet is here to save the day with its newest feature, “sending with confirmation”. With this feature, both sender and receiver must confirm the address is right using the EZ Wallet confirmation protocol. In addition, EZ Wallet is integrating NFTs to further verify the transaction authenticity.

🧔Identity using your EZ alias

Each NFT has its own unique traits and characteristics, allowing senders to be confident in who they are sending to without having to micro-analyze every character and digit of their wallet address. Plus, it gives the user a chance to flex their NFT collection and create their unique online persona. The EZ Wallet community is fun and open-minded and an integral part of project development. That’s why we love the pseudonymous nature of crypto. We can take care of all our finances while expressing our unique and uncensored crypto alias. And doing so makes it all more secure!

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EZ Wallet
EZ Wallet

Written by EZ Wallet

EZ Wallet is the next generation of crypto wallet which enable the Learn&Earn Center to help new crypto users to start their journey

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